Saturday, January 26, 2008


Motocross is derived from the French, and traces its origins to British Scrambling competitions.

Motocross is a fast paced, exciting extreme sport. many people think it's "unsafe" and that ATVs are "safer" but most people that Ride both motorcycles and ATVs will side with the motorcycle.

People think that ATVs are safer because they have four wheels, and motorcycles only have two. but motorcycles are easily maneuverable, very much fun to ride and safer.

An ATV provides a false sense of security. You are more comfortable going fast on an ATV because it is more stable but in fact this is bad because you never learn the basics. So, when you're going down the trail at 40 mph and a tree pops out at you, I would rather be on the dirt bike for two reasons, one because i can swerve easily, and two because if i do crash i would rather have a motorcycle land on me than a big, fat, ugly, hard to take to places ATV. Look for a Yamaha or a Honda, and get a 125, 150, or a 230. Most importantly remember to have fun!

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